Articles in Business, Finance & Economics Category

Articles in Business, Finance & Economics Category

Blog: Understanding Medical Malpractice Insurance in the Context of Medical Travel

Medical travel, also known as medical tourism, has gained immense popularity as patients seek high-quality healthcare services abroad, often at more affordable prices. However, one crucial aspect that prospective medical travelers should understand is medical malpractice insurance and its implications in the context of receiving medical care in a foreign country.

Blog: Unlocking Insights and Transforming Healthcare with Data Analytics

With data being king, the healthcare business is using data in ways that have never been done before. The area of healthcare data analytics, which is growing quickly, is at the front of this revolution. Data analytics is becoming a game-changer as we try to figure out how to practice modern medicine. It gives us insights that help us provide better care to patients, lower costs, and make healthcare systems work better.

Blog: Mutual funds' growing interest in healthcare

During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world realized the importance of sustainability, including healthcare and well-being. As a result, the investment of mutual funds to sustainability-linked industries has increased. As of November 2021, the investment of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds was recorded at 6.1 trillion USD, accounting for 10% of fund assets.

Dr. Nongnuch Tantisantiwong

Dr. Nongnuch Tantisantiwong

Insight Business Analytics